International Rescue Commission

Women’s stories of violence and wellbeing

Front cover of the report


Design a policy report that cuts through in the crowded International Development arena.


Reporting on wartime Raqqa, Syria, meant it was impossible to source photography, so we needed to generate imagery ourselves. We also had to make sure we represented each partner organisation and success story equally.


We decided to commission a watercolour illustrator to bring the report to life visually. In doing so, we created a distinct look and feel that contrasted with more commonly-used war imagery. The style also lent itself well to telling the stories of women in wartime.  

Large watercolour illustrations bring the report to life


A beautiful report, which was well received and gained traction in social media. The client was delighted: “The launch was a great success. The illustrations, report and policy brief were all big hits. Thanks for delivering really high-quality work despite extremely tight schedules!”

Watercolour of women shopping in the market

Thanks for delivering really high-quality work despite extremely tight schedules!”

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