The Stroke Association

Telling a story with statistics and clarity


Produce a DM pack aimed at GPs to raise awareness of a treatable condition is being overlooked.


Atrial Fibrillation is the most common type of irregular heartbeat and today there are over one million people living with it in the UK. If left untreated sufferers are up to five times more likely to have a stroke.

This condition is completely treatable and could be caught if GPs were more aware of the symptoms when doing simple checks on blood pressure. However, our audience, as we know, are overworked, short on time and constantly bombarded with information.


We worked with The Stroke Association  to raise awareness of how treatable this condition is and the signs to look out for. After all, early detection results in fewer strokes.

To ensure cut through, we presented GPs the hard facts of the condition with accompanying infographics allowing them to see key information at a glance. The enclosed coaster served as a reminder of what they needed to check for – besides who doesn’t love a cup of tea?

Coaster with graphics reminding GPs to test for atrial fibrillation


The pack was targeted to a very specific audience so worked very well to raise awareness of the condition. 

Informative leaflet with impactful infographics
Inside spread of informative leaflet
A leaflet with powerful statistics broke down the detail
Large statistic. Almost half of the UK population are at risk of Atrial Fibrillation.
Key infographics helped us to tell an impactful story

"The pack looks great. Top marks guys!"

Large stat saying that there are over 1 million people with Atrial fibrillation in the UK

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